About LCA

Lab Coat Agents
LabCoat Agents was created as a Facebook group on October 2, 2014 by Tristan Ahumada. It was later Co-Founded as a company by Tristan Ahumada and Nick Baldwin at the end of 2015. LabCoat Agents started as a group of real estate agents, brokers, vendors, speakers, industry insiders, leaders, and experts collaborating together to create the best systems for maximizing lead generation & lead conversion, sharing tips and techniques to grow our business, and discussing the latest in real estate tech to help leverage our time.
Over time it became something more, a mindset, culture, and spirit developed. We realized we were more than just a community of people in the same industry, we were a movement! Seeking not only to “Explore The Science Of Real Estate” but to raise the bar on what it means to live, work and win in this industry. Over time our community has grown to become the largest private group of real estate professionals on the Facebook platform and we continue to grow, collaborate, share, and win together.
Core Values
Innovation – A great leader is always looking for opportunities to make an impact in the world. Whether it’s a way of doing things differently than they’ve been done or creating brand new sectors altogether. It can be as easy as re-inventing the most common of things to inventing a new method that revolutionizes the world.
Systems – Every leader knows the importance of systems and processes. Without them there is no scaling and without scaling there can be no massive growth. Systems is all about creating repeatable steps that can be duplicated easily in mass.
People First – All great leaders value people more than anything. Think of Sam Walton, “If you want a successful business, your people must feel that you are working for them—not that they are working for you.” Without the right people and without treating people right, you will go nowhere fast.
Awareness – You can call it emotional intelligence, social awareness, or just plain old awareness, but the point is that you need it. Awareness means that leaders understand the repercussions of their actions and their words. This is massively important and in our current environment it’s something that is widely missing among many “so called” leaders of our world.
Resilience – With all the things that will go wrong in your business and in your life you must be passionate enough and have enough grit to get through it. Being a great leader requires resilience because things will get hard and there will be days that you wished you were not leading the way!
Kindness – With so much hate, anger, and wanton opinions it feels like kindness is a lost principle. I’m here to remind you that the greatest of all true leaders are the kindest and most compassionate. They lead with love, they lead with hope, they lead with grace, which means they lead with kindness. Kindness is the most amazing strength of all! It brings down walls and it unites people because leading with kindness means putting your ego to the side and being empathetic.