Is It Time For You to Hire an Assistant?
As a real estate agent, it sometimes feels as though you’re juggling a thousand tasks at once. Perhaps you already have some systems in place to help you manage these tasks in some way. Maybe you have apps, gadgets, or a very organized schedule to help you stay on top of business with your current clients, while continuing to bring in new clients through tireless advertisement efforts. That’s a lot for anyone to handle, let alone a person who doesn’t have an assistant to help out.
Hiring an assistant, in many ways, is somewhat of a big commitment. But, if you answer “yes” to any of these questions, then perhaps it’s time to get yourself one:
Do you feel like there’s not enough time in a day?
If you’re an agent, then you know what it’s like to have a lot on your plate. Whether it’s meeting with new clients, running open houses or showings, answering emails, phone calls, etc., sometimes you’re not able to check all the things off the to-do list that you had wanted to.
But, you’re already working hard enough.
You shouldn’t have to come home from work stressed everyday about the things you didn’t accomplish. Instead, you should be able to relax, knowing that you achieved your goals for the day and maybe you even got ahead on a few tasks as well. An assistant can help with this by assisting you in tackling those everyday tasks.
Are you scrambling to meet your marketing efforts?
Nowadays, agents who want to stay competitive need to utilize the internet for all it’s worth. Whether it’s email marketing, click funnels, video sharing, or social media posts, there are so many ways for real estate agents to attract new leads. The problem is, if you’re already too busy with the leads you currently have and you’re struggling to get new clients all at once, then it’s probably a good time for you to look into hiring an assistant. This assistant can help manage the bulk of your marketing efforts, while you take care of what needs to be taken care of at the present moment.
Can your budget handle it?
One of the biggest reasons an agent might be hesitant about hiring an assistant is because of their budget. While agents certainly have a flexible schedule compared to those working a typical 9 to 5 job, their paycheck may not always be consistent. This can be a bit scary for real estate agents, especially when they are having a slow income period. But, a small investment can go a long way, and if you believe that the amount you would pay for an assistant would lead to a huge return on investment, then you should absolutely do it.
Where to Hire an Assistant
Let’s say that you’ve decided an assistant is the right choice for you. You’re probably wondering where you can go to hire an assistant. The first thing you should do is ask around for referrals. Perhaps someone you know has a niece or nephew that’s looking for some work in the field. If that doesn’t work out, you can make ads on your business pages or even put an ad on Craigslist.
But, that is if you want to hire a physical assistant. These days, many real estate agents as well as professionals from other industries, hire their assistants to work online. Virtual assistants, or “VAs” often charge less than a physical assistant and can do all the same tasks, but online. There schedules are typically very accommodating, since they are working from home. To hire a virtual assistant, check Facebook groups or websites like Upwork. You can also check out the Lab Coat Agents Facebook page for some tips. Just type “assistant” in the search bar!
What an Assistant’s Responsibilities Should Be
Now you know that you need an assistant, but you’re not exactly sure what exactly you’d use one for. Some real estate agents feel the need to take care of certain tasks on their own, in order to avoid any mishaps. While this is certainly understandable, you’re going to have to learn to let go a little bit and let an assistant take over. Your assistant can be assigned any responsibilities that you don’t necessarily enjoy doing, or that are taking much too long for you to complete. Maybe it’s writing social media posts. Maybe it’s answering emails, or managing the books. There aren’t any rules, except for the fact that an assistant cannot replace you as an agent unless they themselves have their license.
Feel free to sit with this prospective assistant and discuss your day to day schedule. See what their skills are and ask where they believe they can help you save some time.
What to Pay a Real Estate Assistant
So you’ve found a potential assistant that you’d love to come help you out in all your real estate doings. But, here comes the moment of truth: What will you pay? A lot of this depends on the responsibilities you’re giving out, how many hours you want the assistant to be available, and how much you’re making in the meantime. In general, an assistant might get anywhere from $12+ an hour. If you’re unsure how to approach this, ask the assistant to name his or her rate. At the of the end the day, you’ll find that your time is much more valuable long-term than the extra money you’d be saving without having an assistant. In time, you may even consider hiring additional help.
Do you have an assistant? If not, have you considered hiring one, but haven’t yet? What’s holding you back? Share your experiences with us!
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