Do I Have The Winning Mindset That Matches My Goals?
If you’re like me, you had that talk with yourself about how much more money you want to make this year. So, if I am to stretch those numbers and my paycheck into the stratosphere, how do I get my mind, body, and spirit to catch up?
In November I work on my Growth Plan for the next year separated by month. Within that Growth Plan are the categories I want to concentrate on: Education, Family, Coaching/Conferences, and Masterminds.

As an example, I’ve listed mine here. Yours may be different;
- Education.
What book will I study each month? Listening to motivational books on tape as I drive across town on appointments every day has been a game changer for me. I’m currently listening to Mel Robbins, The Five Second Rule.
My Reading/listening list for 2019 include:
Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill
The Traveler’s Gift by Andy Andrews
The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg
Be Obsessed or Be Average by Grant Cardone
You Are a Badass by Jen Sincere
How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie
The Untethered Soul by Michael Singer
The 7 Powers of Questions by Dorothy Leeds
Aristotle’s Way: How Ancient Wisdom Can Change Your Life by Edith Hall
Forged in Crisis: The Power of Courageous Leadership in Turbulent Times by Nancy Koehn
The Snowball Effect by Mo Bunnell
Write out your reading list, by month or by week, depending on how fast you read, and the time you have
available to you. There is no right or wrong way. It’s all about expanding your mind no matter how often you
read or listen to books on tape.
- Family
Do you have your vacations already on your calendar? A wise woman once said, “If it’s not on your calendar it doesn’t exist.” As you push through to the next level, don’t leave your family on the sidelines. They take as much or more care and feeding as your business. Get your date nights and one on one time with each child on the calendar now.
- Coaching/Conferences
- If you don’t have a coach/mentor, then get one. No one succeeds alone, in a vacuum. Coaching has been a mindset gamechanger for me, and I have been consistently coached the last four years. Did you know that your brain says “I’m done” when you’re only at 40%? To push to the next level, you need a coach who’ll motivate you to keep pushing. Accountability is the name of the game if any of us want to go to that next level. “Greatness happens when you push through to the next level.” Jesse Itzler By what date will you get a coach or mentor this year?
- Are you planning to take any specific continuing ed this year to grow your business? Any certifications you want to receive? What is an area where you need to learn and grow? Are you planning to attend any conferences? I am planning to attend the Inman Luxury Conference in the fall and one of the Leaders in Luxury conferences this year, however, you don’t have to leave your state. Get your list on your calendar now and hold yourself accountable to attend.
- Masterminds. Many people have said, “You’re the average of the 5 people you hang around with.” Did you up your 5 for 2019? I am always asking myself, “who do I know that can learn from?” Make a list of people you admire, no matter what industry, that you’d like to mastermind within 2019 and then schedule 2 lunches a month with each person. Soon your five people will grow, and you’ll find that you’ve provided as much value to them as they have to you.
If lunches are a problem, may I suggest a Mastermind Dinner? I was invited to a mastermind luncheon by a top producing agent a couple of years ago. The host gave each of us the book “Mastermind Dinners: Building Lifelong Relationships” by Jayson Gaignard. Since then my husband and I have hosted dinner parties for people in the community whom we have long admired. We call our dinners, Curious Conversations. I always have at least three questions to initiate the conversation. Luckily, I don’t use all my questions because everyone we have invited provided such scintillating discussions.
Make your list now. I’m sure people are coming to your mind as you read this. Set those dates on our calendar for the year. We have found that no more than five couples at a time work best and we don’t seat couples together.

My Growth Plan helps me stay accountable for how I plan to learn and grow during the year. You can start your yearly Growth Plan anytime so never fear, now is as good a time as any to begin!
The other areas I suggest to concentrate which add beneficial layers onto the Growth Plan;
- Vision Board and Goals for the year.
- I did coaching with Jack Canfield in 2006 and was first introduced to the vision board concept. Every year since then I usually do my vision board in Oct/Nov of the year before and post it in my office to look at every day. I keep my year goals in
the front of mydailynotebook /calendar and refer to them often to make sure I am staying on track. Ask yourself, “what do I really want,” and don’t worry about how it will happen. Your reticular activator will create opportunities for you to reach your goals. Remember, the Universe is conspiring with you for you to be the best you can be. I highly recommend Jack Canfield’s book, “Success Principles” if you haven’t already read it.
- Exercise
Walk, run, bike, swim, etc. Keeping our bodies moving provides more oxygen to the brain. I am personally taking ballroom and tap dancing as my exercise options. Along with a great cardio workout for me, it’s unbelievably fun. There isn’t a day that I come home from dancing that I don’t have a big smile on my face. Harvard published a study last year about how exercise reduces your stress levels. I’m sure you heard about the positive effects of exercise and brain function so when Harvard publishes a study on it maybe you’re more apt to adhere to the advice? And let’s face it, being a Realtor can be extremely stressful at times.
Walk, run, bike, swim, etc. Keeping our bodies moving provides more oxygen to the brain. I am personally taking ballroom and tap dancing as my exercise options. Along with a great cardio workout for me, it’s unbelievably fun. There isn’t a day that I come home from dancing that I don’t have a big smile on my face. Harvard published a study last year about how exercise reduces your stress levels. I’m sure you heard about the positive effects of exercise and brain function so when Harvard publishes a study on it maybe you’re more apt to adhere to the advice? And let’s face it, being a Realtor can be extremely stressful at times.
- Let It Go!
Can’t you just hear Elsa from Frozen singing? Here’s the truth. Living in the past will only get you what you had in the past. You can’t get that winning mindset by living in the past or holding on to things. Forgive yourself and others so that you can live a life of abundant thinking and living. The past is over, so focus on the present and the future. Jesse Itzler (Sara Blakely’s husband and author of “Living With A Seal and Living With a Monk”) says, “I didn’t come this far to only come this far.”
Remember, Louis Pasteur said, “Chance favors the prepared mind.” Continue preparing your mind so that chance can provide you the opportunities you deserve and therefore have your best year ever!

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