
Hiring new people is scary. So much so, that business owners and team leaders are often deterred from hiring, even when doing so would help their business grow. This is especially true when it comes to real estate companies or teams hiring inside sales agents (ISAs). Real Estate Is a Tough Industry Between 75% and […]

Real estate teams today suffer from a number of challenges including inefficient use of time, poor communications, weak or little culture, and lack of accountability and tracking. The good news is that these challenges can be easily solved with the implementation of a Daily Team Huddle. Watch as your productivity and profits increase with a simple 20 […]

Hiring new people is scary. So much so, that business owners and team leaders are often deterred from hiring, even when doing so would help their business grow. This is especially true when it comes to real estate companies or teams hiring inside sales agents (ISAs). 1. Real Estate Is a Tough Industry Real estate […]

Eventually, you’ll reach the point with your real estate business where you need to hire an inside sales agent (ISA). Building a successful and productive inside sales team is how you will take your business to the next level. Your inside sales agents will focus on lead generation, which allows you to focus on the business as […]

We will jump into pay structures, but first What Are Inside Sales Agents (for those who don’t know)? Inside sales agents are the backbone of a successful real estate business. The vast majority of real estate transactions begin on the phone. This means that all the effort and skill that goes into nailing those listing appointments, finding properties for […]

As a real estate agent, it sometimes feels as though you’re juggling a thousand tasks at once. Perhaps you already have some systems in place to help you manage these tasks in some way. Maybe you have apps, gadgets, or a very organized schedule to help you stay on top of business with your current […]

Recently we all saw the headlines and observed what is known in the industry as The Shift. The real estate market has shifted and so does your business. Real Estate Market Downturn is part of a cyclical and ever-changing general economic conditions reflecting potential business losses. It is a period where Realtors are hedging their businesses against market […]

In January of 2017, I was hired to be the branch manager to run the Huntington Beach office of one of the large independent brokerages in Orange County, California. When I got hired, the first priorities were to reach out to the top producers in the office to introduce myself, to create a recruiting plan […]

Continually Grow Your Business Thinking strategically about how to grow your business is one of the first things to get thrown to the wayside when things get crazy. This is a problem because you need to continually grow your business beyond your existing clientele for it to be healthy. But sometimes we get too caught in the trenches of running our business, and we […]