
If you’re in the real estate business, you know how much work it takes to find leads, nurture them, and close deals. It can be a lot to handle, right? That’s where an ISA (Inside Sales Agent) for real estate can come in clutch! An ISA can help grow your business by taking care of […]

The most successful agents have a natural talent for building and sustaining meaningful client relationships. In today’s fiercely competitive market however, modern agents also understand the critical role of technology in augmenting inherent talent and automating key processes to drive greater business results, faster. Armed with the right tools, agents today have experienced firsthand how […]

This article was originally published on the PowerISA Blog. An ISA for real estate is an inside sales agent who talks to and qualifies leads, as well as sets appointments for real estate agents. But their role goes beyond simply appointment setters or lead scrubbers—real estate ISAs are professional, highly trained sales people who are […]

Being a real estate ISA is not for the faint of heart. If you’re an inside sales agent, then you understand how difficult it can be. You have to be on the phone every day making phone call after phone call, often facing what seems and feels like and endless slew of rejections, and, many […]

This article was originally featured on the Follow Up Boss blog Most agents dream of the day they’re ready to make their first hire. But those who have done it know this is where the real fun begins. (And by “fun” we mean not only bigger revenue, but all the high-level challenges and leadership headaches that come […]

When Scaling Your Real Estate Team, Resist Taking Shortcuts And Use This 9 Step Process As Your Guide To Recruiting Right The First Time. In this crazy market, many real estate teams are in the process of growing. It may not seem like it, but having the right process in place for recruiting is critical […]

Whether ‘tis nobler in mind to suffer The slings and arrows of Single Agent fortune Or to take action with a sea of hires And by hiring, Leverage. To work – to sleep, To sleep, perchance to Grow – ay there’s the rub: For in that Growth what issues may come, When plagued with training […]

For the longest time, real estate agents and brokers alike have sought something of a holy grail: the perfect “all in one” software platform that can literally do it all, from generating leads to providing both customer relationship management (CRM) and transaction management. But the reality is that the perfect, ‘best at all things’ platform […]

We’re entering the final quarter of the year and the time when everyone considering making a switch does the broker shuffle. People have determined their current broker home doesn’t have what they need to reach the next level in their career and so they start eyeing the door One of my early business mentors told […]