Real estate solutions
That May Be Avoidable If the perfect client exists, they’re few and far between. And, as much as it’s great to have a client that’s smooth-sailing from start to finish, the reality is that there are usually always bumps in the road on the journey to buying a house. What’s even worse is when a […]
Marketing is a major aspect of any real estate business, and the best ones do a little bit of it each day. Many smart agents will invest in some type of content marketing automation service and/or a marketing team in order to keep things moving while they focus on working with the clients that they […]
If you are only interested in 10 tips to help you manage your multiple offer situation scroll to the bottom. If you would like a bit of analysis on why the market is the way it is as well as some speculation on where it is going, feel free to read on. As an Autistic […]
There’s no arguing that the real estate industry gets a bad reputation at times. Back in the day, a real estate agent or broker held a very desirable position, and no one would ever question their experience and knowledge. But, these days, with the rise of technology and ease of access to information, people are […]
Due to the recent events, lockdowns, and quarantines, the way we live our lives has changed and so is the way we run our businesses. Many companies have moved their operations to Work From Home (WFH) and Online Platforms. The employees are now all remote and can be located anywhere in the world as long […]
If you’ve been paying attention to the news amid the coronavirus crisis (as you should), then you may be feeling overwhelmed as things keep changing day to day. Real estate agents are no doubt already feeling an impact from COVID-19, as their ability to do everyday tasks like showing homes has been prohibited. Along with […]
After spending time showing houses to a client, they finally find the home that they love. It has everything they could ever want in a home, but there’s just one (or several) problems. Problems that may seem insignificant to the seller and/or not something you can really negotiate price on. But, this problem could be […]
The home-buying process is extensive, and whether you’re dealing with a first-time buyer or someone who is more experienced at it, it never really seems to get easier. Because their are so many steps to buying a home, this means there are many instances in which a buyer can essentially back out of the deal. […]
Do you remember the last time you received a personal note? Maybe it was a Birthday card from a friend or a Get Well card from your office. Remember how it made you feel that someone took the time to do that for you? A personal note has a powerful impact on people. Writing personal […]