
I love reading books about real estate because it always gives me a glimpse of how someone else is doing business. In fact, real estate agents are professionals who continuously need to stay up-to-date with the industry’s latest trends and strategies. One of the best ways to accomplish this is by reading books authored by […]

Setting and achieving goals involves dedication and hard work in order to be effective with real-life transformation. It’s critical that we spend some time right now debating the meanings of two fundamental terms: goals and resolutions. While these phrases are frequently used interchangeably, there are some major and subtle differences between them. Goals Your goal […]

The majority of us make our New Year’s resolutions and goals on January 1st. However, January may not be the best month to get started on your goals. Jumping directly into your new year goals can lead to exhaustion or even abandonment of your dreams into the new year. “I can’t change the direction of […]

For new agents, there are many excellent real estate books available. And when it comes to being a top producer in the real estate industry, there is always something new to learn. Everything from learning time management skills to understanding the art of sales to developing new habits will play a part in helping you […]

Whether you’re thinking about going into the real estate business or you’ve already started, it’s important to know exactly what you’re getting into. In this article, I’ll discuss some of the top questions you might have, as well as what you’ll need to study and how to get started. Take The Quiz! Why Should I […]

As the way we buy and sell real estate changes, so must the strategies and tactics of real estate professionals. With the market ever-changing, 2023 promises to be full of new challenges and opportunities for agents who are ready to adapt in order to remain relevant and find listings in this industry. In this blog […]

It may be tough to break free and get past your blues if you’ve been stuck in the same pattern for a long period. You may feel lazy, discouraged, annoyed, and furious with yourself for feeling this way and having to accomplish anything at all. You want to discover a way out of your rut, […]

Coaching Time… I was sitting down with an agent that has produced over 300 million in volume this year. He’s one of my coaching clients and most of his business comes from referrals. After outlining What his referral business looks like we went deeper as to what it needs to be in 2022. Here’s a […]

Whether in life or business, everyone explores motivation when it comes to achieving extraordinary success. Motivation, in my opinion, is really essential. Whatever you want to do in life, it all starts with your drive and motivation. In order to take action and form habits, you must be motivated. While we cannot rely only on […]