Lead Generation

Many times as a real estate agent, we are constantly comparing ourselves to other agents that we aspire to be. And, even though buying and selling homes can also put you in competition with other agents, usually, the person we are in competition most is with ourselves. How can you meet the needs of each […]

Most agents are in real estate for the financial opportunities and freedoms it can provide. And, while any achievement – passing your real estate license exam, bringing in your first lead, closing your first deal – is something to be excited about, agents should be motivated to keep improving in any way that they can, […]

At Smart Inside Sales, we spend a lot of time discussing overcoming real estate objections. This is because objections are both the thing that is keeping you from making the sale while at the same time being the thing that gives you a route to close on your calls. And being able to close on […]

I woke up this morning freezing. Creeping out of bed I shuffled to the thermostat. Heat. I needed heat. As my morning eyes struggled to focus on the temperature showing on the thermostat, I wondered if it was 50 degrees in the house. It felt so freaking cold. My jaw dropped as my eyes focused […]

Do you keep hearing about real estate video marketing, but feel stuck trying to figure out where to start? Everyone keeps telling you it’s so important for your real estate business, but no one is telling you how and why it really works. If you’re completely lost and confused, you’re not alone: realtors aren’t traditionally […]

The average American sees anywhere from 4,000-10,000 advertisements per day (1). While our senses are bombarded with over 11 million bits of data every second, we can only expect an average person’s working memory to retain 40 bits (2). To be blunt, this means that most marketing strategies are dead in the water based on […]

What’s holding you back from the success and financial security that you’ve been dreaming of? Is it competing agents? Is it the changing market? No, more likely than not, the only thing holding you back from a highly successful real estate career is you. It’s not that you aren’t working hard enough, or even that […]

I began my real estate career September of 2006 – I joined a small team of 2 other agents and it was literally the “land of milk and honey” in our market area of Northern NJ. Roberta. My then Team Lead (now my Business Partner) used to say that she would sit at her desk […]

Oftentimes the Listing Agents that I coach in my free Mentorship Masters Program come to me because they want to master the art of overcoming objections. After listing more than 1000 houses during my first ten years in real estate, I have seen just about every objection you can imagine. I absolutely LOVE objections because […]