Follow Up

This article was originally featured on the Follow Up Boss blog Most agents dream of the day they’re ready to make their first hire. But those who have done it know this is where the real fun begins. (And by “fun” we mean not only bigger revenue, but all the high-level challenges and leadership headaches that come […]

Consider this… It takes up to eight times more money, energy, and time to try and capture new clients than it does to generate business from your past clients and sphere of influence. So ask yourself… “How often do I engage with my database to generate repeat and referral business?” While it’s always important to […]

One of the key things to learn as an ISA (or any salesperson) is that you don’t want to be doing all the talking during your sales conversations. If you’re an ISA on a prospecting call, and it’s mostly a one-way conversation in which your voice is thundering on with little input from the prospect, […]

The concept of “shift-proofing” your business is not unique to real estate – I think anyone who is a small business owner looks to diversify in a market where the ground beneath you isn’t as solid as you once remember. Agents across the country are gathering in early morning masterminds, trying to pinpoint and share […]

THIS IS A SPONSORED POST IN COLLABORATION WITH AGENTOLOGY. The business management expert Peter Drucker famously said, “The purpose of a business is to create a customer.” It’s certainly hard to argue with that, but what Drucker neglected to mention is that keeping the customers you have is critical to long-term business success. In fact, […]

Let’s get one thing straight. Your CRM is NOT just a fancy address book. There are hundreds, maybe even thousands, of awesome clients and potential clients in that baby. And your lead nurture strategy needs to be just as dynamic as the growing mix of names in your database. If you use it right, your […]

We are always looking for the best texts out there. We are always modifying and enhancing our texts and communication. The key is still to be as authentic and simple as possible. People don’t want you to spam them, they want you to help them. Here are 10 texts that we have used and that […]

I know I don’t have to go over why texting clients and leads is a preferred method for communication, do I? Okay, besides national stats showing that a high percentage of people respond to texting more than calling and email, there’s also the fact that it saves the sender and the receiver time! Time is […]

A main pain point often seen in LabCoat Agent discussions is lead conversion. The solution is pretty clear and not groundbreaking: Follow up fast and often. The challenge is that most agents don’t do any follow up, let alone fast and rhythmic follow up. This is highlighted by the embarrassing report from Zillow stating that nearly half of all Zillow leads go unanswered. Look, I get it. I’ve been an […]