I woke up this morning freezing. Creeping out of bed I shuffled to the thermostat. Heat. I needed heat. As my morning eyes struggled to focus on the temperature showing on the thermostat, I wondered if it was 50 degrees in the house. It felt so freaking cold. My jaw dropped as my eyes focused […]

I founded my team in 2016 after twelve years in real estate. With two kids, eighteen & six, both on the autism spectrum, the busier I got in real estate the more I resented my husband’s J-O-B. His schedule was inflexible, he needed thirty days’ notice to get a day off, and any kid-related emergency landed […]

Let’s face it, you’re busy. Between running your business, handling the needs of your clients, and taking care of your home and family—supermom & superdad real estate agents often feel like they are going in fifty directions at once. No matter what our super powers are, until they invent a cloning machine, you can only ever be […]

MY CLIENT IS NEVER… How many times have we heard “my client is never going to fix all that” or “that offer is too low” or “they are never going to accept that counter” from an agent before they have even had a chance to take it to the client. How do we know they didn’t […]

We have all heard for sale by owners are a potential listing source, but few pursue them effectively. I have found 3 keys to converting FSBOs: authenticity, rapport building, and opportunity. They have gone from 0% of my business to 30% of my business in the last few years. It wasn’t always like that. Like most agents, I avoided for sale by owners. Sure, I did a […]