I love reading books about real estate because it always gives me a glimpse of how someone else is doing business. In fact, real estate agents are professionals who continuously need to stay up-to-date with the industry’s latest trends and strategies. One of the best ways to accomplish this is by reading books authored by […]

Setting and achieving goals involves dedication and hard work in order to be effective with real-life transformation. It’s critical that we spend some time right now debating the meanings of two fundamental terms: goals and resolutions. While these phrases are frequently used interchangeably, there are some major and subtle differences between them. Goals Your goal […]

It may be tough to break free and get past your blues if you’ve been stuck in the same pattern for a long period. You may feel lazy, discouraged, annoyed, and furious with yourself for feeling this way and having to accomplish anything at all. You want to discover a way out of your rut, […]

Coaching Time… I was sitting down with an agent that has produced over 300 million in volume this year. He’s one of my coaching clients and most of his business comes from referrals. After outlining What his referral business looks like we went deeper as to what it needs to be in 2022. Here’s a […]

Lead generation is a process that includes tactics that allow you to create a successful plan for producing high-quality leads and increasing sales conversions. Here are three lead-generating pillars that can help you outperform your competitors. Capturing Leads The greatest strategy to attract visitors to your website is to supply them with quality and vital […]

Real estate brokers do more than buy and sell a property. The modern profession entails a wide range of responsibilities and abilities. And multitasking is part of it in order to sustain performance and profitability. As a result, a CRM is a must-have for real estate professionals who want to stay ahead of the competition. […]

The variety of techniques to follow up with real estate leads has risen dramatically in the last decade. Not to mention, the increase of real estate lead generating prospects has added new unexpected turns to some of the old unresolved lead follow-up concerns. You have a new prospect or client to contact, so you look […]

Occasionally, I am given the opportunity to try out a new product. I do it most of the time because I’m intrigued and enjoy being up-to-date on the latest technological breakthroughs in the real estate industry. It usually isn’t something new or very amazing, but this time was different. Placester nailed something that will make […]

Want to know more about social media’s newest sensation, Clubhouse? If you haven’t heard of Clubhouse yet, think early AOL chat rooms. It’s a voice-only platform where you can join hundreds of like-minded folks and chat about topics ranging from parenthood to fitness to starting your own business. You can hear from celebrities and industry […]