Back in the day, buyers and sellers depended entirely on real estate agents to find their dream home or sell their property. Today, most prospective homebuyers are proactive. They head straight for their electronic devices to search for properties before even contacting an agent. In fact, more than 90 percent of Americans go online to […]

Closing is the make-or-break moment in real estate. Unfortunately, the job doesn’t just entail helping a seller sell and a buyer buy. Far from it. In fact, in 2007, Pat Vredevoogd-Combs, past president of the National Association of REALTORS™, testified before the House Financial Services Committee on Housing. As part of her testimony, she submitted […]

Too much of anything can be a bad thing (unless we’re talking about cookies, because clearly there is never a downside to a mouthful of deliciousness). As the ease and accessibility of the internet has given way to a flood of information, this notion has never been more true. Sometimes it creates a false sense […]

THIS IS A SPONSORED POST IN COLLABORATION WITH AGENTOLOGY. Everything we do is based on communication and we do it all day long. It’s how we form relationships and develop trust, and an overlooked aspect of the way we communicate is body language. According to UCLA psychology professor, Albert Mehrabian, 55% of communication is done through […]

“I’ve come to believe that connecting is one of the most important business—and life—skill sets you’ll ever learn. Why? Because, flat out, people do business with people they know and like.” -Keith Ferrazzi, Never Eat Alone Did you know that customer referrals may be the most effective tool in your marketing bag? As a matter […]

THIS IS A SPONSORED POST IN COLLABORATION WITH AGENTOLOGY. The business management expert Peter Drucker famously said, “The purpose of a business is to create a customer.” It’s certainly hard to argue with that, but what Drucker neglected to mention is that keeping the customers you have is critical to long-term business success. In fact, […]

Videos are the future – a notion that is backed up by a natural disposition towards flashy visuals (the many sequels to Fast and Furious and Transformers can attest to this). If Michael Bay isn’t your thing, then there are also stats to provide it, courtesy of the renown IT authority – Cisco: “Globally, IP […]

This is a sponsored post in collaboration with Agentology. There’s no denying that social media has been a focal point for success within the residential real estate industry. We’ve discussed before the importance of building brand awareness within real estate, and given the fact that 90% of Americans go online to shop for property, it’s worth […]

This is a sponsored post in collaboration with Agentology. If you’re trying to get more clients, you can do one of two things: Wait for the phone to ring or Work to get leads, follow up with them, and turn them into customers. I’d recommend Option 2. Drumming up leads can be done in a […]