If you’re in the real estate business, you know how much work it takes to find leads, nurture them, and close deals. It can be a lot to handle, right? That’s where an ISA (Inside Sales Agent) for real estate can come in clutch! An ISA can help grow your business by taking care of […]

Being a real estate ISA is not for the faint of heart. If you’re an inside sales agent, then you understand how difficult it can be. You have to be on the phone every day making phone call after phone call, often facing what seems and feels like and endless slew of rejections, and, many […]

Live transfers or setting appointments? Which conversion route is the better way to go in order to make more sales? Appointments allow you to have a set time to talk with the potential client over the phone or meet with them face to face. Live transfers, on the other hand, let you strike while the […]