Aug 31, 2017
by - Guillermo serafin
How Hiring Can Be So Stressful and Why It Doesn’t Have To Be That Way
Most people hate–with a capital “H”–hiring help. It doesn’t matter if it is a part-time or full-time assistant. The whole process, if not carried out correctly, can be emotionally and financially draining. The problem is that most people hire by the seat of their pants. That’s right, most people have no clue on how to […]

Jul 28, 2017
by - Guillermo serafin
Building your Business Instead of Growing your Sales Job
The truth that most Real Estate professionals won’t talk about, and few will admit, is that our industry is and always has been sold, marketed and promoted as sales. I believe that sales are just an aspect of what we do and the real definition of our industry should be more along the lines of a small business entrepreneurship. I know that’s a mouthful, and it’s probably […]