This rise of single women homeowners Is part of a greater social and economic shift that is reshaping home ownership. Women are tired of waiting for Mr. Right to come along and start their dream. Women earn less than men (by 27 percent) but more than ever before they assume leadership roles in business. They […]

Read Part I Here Light, colour, sound and smell are the tools we will talk about to create a more exciting and saleable interior. These can all be used at very little cost. Light Clean windows are a must. Use adequate wattage in light bulbs. Replace older fluorescent lights which darken with age. Mirrors magnify the feeling […]

In theory this sounds great. No seller will have a stress-free selling experience, but our service to our home sellers is to reduce that stress. We provide guidance and advice in many areas, not just the price. There are numerous ways we help to make this experience pleasant and hopefully quick. Price Point We know the largest number of showings happen in the first week the […]