There is no specific formula developed for when you should follow up with people. It really comes down to instincts. If you are like 99% of the real estate agents out there, you are constantly trying to gauge the fine balance of time between contact and the follow-up. How soon is TOO soon? Use Your […]

I heard a great story the other day, and I wanted to share it with you because I think it’s a really powerful message. If you have ever had any challenge or difficulty in your life, (and let’s face it, most of us have had some sort of tough situation at some point), I am […]

When people think of real estate agents, the image that comes to mind is usually the friendly face behind the purchase or sale of a pre-existing residence. What most don’t think about is the real estate transactions that occur with builders. Whether or not you have a background in construction or previous history with builders, […]

There is no question that we live in challenging times and have and will continue to face challenges aplenty in all aspects of our lives. It can be overwhelming, but I want to give you some encouragement today. When you have a challenge in your life — maybe it’s a buyer, another agent, your spouse, […]

There is something I want each one of you to do this week, and that is to enlarge your thinking. I want you to expand your mental territory and start thinking BIGGER about what’s possible for your life. Whether you have been feeling like taking some courses to expand your knowledge base or have been […]

So, I have a message that I want to share with real estate agents this week, and that is “get uncomfortable.” I know, I know…it sounds strange, but let me explain. When you are comfortable in your life, your relationships, or your business, you are doing the things that you already know how to do. […]

One of the more frustrating things that real estate agents face is the homeowner that isn’t fully committed to listing their house. Maybe they aren’t sure if it’s the right time to list their home, or maybe they feel like they have all the time in the world! This is when you need to create […]

The nature of real estate can sometimes feel like “feast or famine”, particularly during this COVID pandemic when many homeowners are hesitant to list their homes, and buyers are hesitant to look. So, how do we continue to move forward to begin rebuilding our listings inventory from home without sinking a lot of money into […]

Real Estate agents are often thought of as “Salespeople” but that term isn’t my favorite because the role is more like “consulting” or “Coaching.” We guide people into making a decision, rather than “selling” them on a choice. On a few recent coaching calls with our Power Agents®, we’ve been asked about how to best […]