With the rapidly evolving development of artificial intelligence (AI) in the real estate industry, is it possible that eventually you could be replaced by an AI agent in the future? Not yet, but probably sooner than you think, we’ll see 100% AI real estate agents. These completely virtual and artificial agents will be able to […]

If you aren’t talking about things I care about I won’t hear you! We see so much nonsense all day from billboards to social media that you have to speak directly to my interests or pain points to get my attention! For example, a post about how to sell my house won’t get my attention. […]

We work too much! With the countless advancements we’ve seen in productivity (up 299% from 1950-2018) you’d think we would work LESS now than folks did 70 years ago. That’s not the case. Many of us work the same if not MORE than the average person in 1950! If our efforts are 3X as productive, […]

Quick! You just got a big update about a transaction you need to share with a client. Do you text them a summary? Send an email? Shoot them a call? OR record a video message? One of these is clearly better for the customer than the others. So you should use it! So, which is […]

How many social media followers do you need to earn $100,000 a year as a Realtor? How about $500,000 a year? $2,000,000? There’s no good answer because it’s the wrong question! It doesn’t matter how many followers you have. In fact, growing your follower count may actually lead to LESS business as you dilute your […]

Time. It’s the most important resource you have and you don’t even know how much of it you have left! So why do so many of us WASTE it? Why do we feel we don’t ever have enough? Well, how carefully are you managing it? I know agents who have multi-year financial plans. They know […]